Incoming follows the chaotic and humorous adventures of four high school freshmen—Benj, Eddie, Connor, and Danah—as they navigate their first week of high school. The story centers around their attempts to fit in, deal with bullies, and attend the ultimate back-to-school party hosted by the wealthy Koosh. Along the way, they encounter various challenges, including unrequited crushes, sibling rivalries, and the pressures of teenage life.
The film explores themes of adolescence, friendship, and self-discovery. It delves into the insecurities and struggles that come with growing up, while also highlighting the importance of staying true to oneself. The movie also touches on contemporary issues such as social media influence and LGBTQ acceptance.
Character Development:
- Benj (Mason Thames): The geeky and well-meaning protagonist who has a crush on his sister’s best friend. His journey is one of self-confidence and courage.
- Alyssa (Ali Gallo): Benj’s misanthropic sister, dealing with heartbreak and self-image issues. Her character adds depth and a subplot of personal growth.
- Koosh (Bardia Seiri): The uber-rich friend trying to step out of his brother’s shadow. His character provides comic relief and a subplot about sibling rivalry.
- Eddie and Connor (Ramon Reed and Raphael Alejandro): Benj’s best friends, each with their own insecurities and challenges. Their characters add to the film’s humor and heart.
Director’s Style:
Dave and John Chernin bring their signature comedic style from “It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia” to “Incoming.” Their direction is fast-paced and filled with sharp, edgy humor. They manage to balance the absurdity of teenage antics with moments of genuine emotion.
- Mason Thames: Delivers a charming and relatable performance as Benj.
- Ali Gallo and Isabella Ferreira: Shine in their roles, adding depth to the film’s emotional core.
- Bardia Seiri, Ramon Reed, and Raphael Alejandro: Provide excellent comedic timing and chemistry, making the group dynamics believable and entertaining.
Technical Aspects:
- Cinematography: The film uses vibrant and dynamic visuals to capture the energy of high school life.
- Soundtrack: Features a mix of contemporary hits and nostalgic tracks that enhance the film’s youthful vibe.
- Editing: The editing is tight, keeping the story engaging and the humor sharp.
- Strong performances from the young cast.
- Sharp, edgy humor that resonates with both teens and adults.
- Relatable themes and characters.
- Fast-paced direction and engaging storyline.
- Some jokes may feel repetitive or fall flat.
- Certain plot points may seem clichéd or predictable.
- The film’s attempt to balance humor and serious themes may not always succeed.
Overall Impact:
“Incoming” is a fun and entertaining teen comedy that captures the chaos and excitement of high school life. While it may not break new ground in the genre, it offers plenty of laughs and heartfelt moments. The film’s relatable characters and sharp humor make it worth watching, especially for fans of high school comedies.
If you enjoy teen comedies with a mix of humor and heart, “Incoming” is definitely worth a watch. Its strong performances and relatable themes make it a standout in the genre.
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Mason Thames
As Benj NielsenAli Gallo
As Alyssa NielsenKaitlin Olson
As Ms. NielsenIsabella Ferreira
As BaileyThomas Barbusca
As RubyRaphael Alejandro
As ConnorBobby Cannavale
As Mr. Studebaker
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