Harold and the Purple Crayon brings to life Crockett Johnson’s beloved children’s book. The film begins with an engaging 2-D animated sequence that recaps Harold’s adventures from the book. However, the real story takes a disappointing turn. Harold (played by Zachary Levi), now grown, uses his magical crayon to draw a portal to our world, accompanied by friends Moose (Lil Rel Howery) and Porcupine (Tanya Reynolds). They encounter Terri (Zooey Deschanel) and her son Melvin (Benjamin Bottani), leading to wacky escapades as they search for the missing narrator.
Themes and Character Development:
The film pays lip service to creativity but fails to demonstrate it effectively. Themes of imagination, friendship, and coping with loss are present but lack depth. Harold’s character growth is minimal, and the supporting cast remains one-dimensional.
Director’s Style and Technical Aspects:
Directorial choices favor garish visuals over substance. The initial animated sequence captures the book’s style, but the live-action scenes lack creativity. The film’s pacing feels interminable, and the transition between worlds lacks finesse.
- Nostalgia for fans of the book.
- Alfred Molina’s narration in the animated sequence.
- Some slapstick humor.
- Lack of creativity and emotional depth.
- Uneven tone and pacing.
- Underdeveloped characters.
Overall Impact and Recommendation:
Harold and the Purple Crayon disappoints fans of the source material. While it attempts to celebrate imagination, it falls short. The film is irreparably irritating, lacking the charm and magic of the original book. Unfortunately, I cannot recommend it.
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Zachary Levi
As HaroldLil Rel Howery
As MooseBenjamin Bottani
As MelJemaine Clement
As GaryTanya Reynolds
As PorcupineAlfred Molina
As Narrator (voice)
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